The Toddler guide to seeing sunset and having dinner in Sorrento!

Italian coastal sunsets must be one of the most stunning pieces of sky art you will ever witness!ย ย When you are on holiday in the Amalfi, they shouldnโ€™t be missed, even with a toddler! There are so many ways to see them, but we all know the best spots are usually up high, so finding a rooftop bar was our goal for the few nights our toddler allowed us to be out past her usual bedtime. Golden Hour on the clifftop of Sorrento does beat a lot of locations. ย 

Sorrento comes alive at night, the shops all open, the musicians out in restaurants, the rooftop bars capturing the best golden light moments and everyone living their best summer life.ย  We usually would start with finding a bar and watching the sunset together, our baby joining in with her water glass, straw and some olives.ย  There was usually something to keep her entertained, like the music at the bar, the boats sailing on the ocean, the chips we ordered from the bar or bringing a book to keep her occupied. Generally, it wasnโ€™t a hassle and we got to watch some stunning views, and enjoy a cocktail. ย 

These nights may seem like we were living dangerously on edge with a toddler, on the brink of losing it, but they ended up being the best of all our memories.ย  We indeed risked it and took our baby out for dinner, not fully knowing when she might crack it, but we did choose those nights when she had taken a later second nap in the afternoon to take her on a night bar crawl (Iโ€™m only joking ;)).ย  This was also easy because we were catching public transport into Sorrento and even though it was a small commute, I knew I could feed her on the bus or get her home reasonably okay. ย 

The five nights we did this always led to us finding a great little restaurant in Sorrento. Waiters would make friends with our munchkin and blow kisses; neighbouring tables would talk to her and say hello, or sometimes one of us would walk her around the block until the food arrivedโ€”all worth it for a night out.ย 

Where do I watch sunset in Sorrento?ย 

  1. Bellavista Cocktail Bar Sorrento is our absolute favourite spot to visit for a sunset drink. You enter via the fancy hotel foyer and take the lift up which opens over a stunning crystal blue swimming pool and a very spacious balcony, lined with cocktail low tables, and plenty of space to walk around. A few big lounges for bigger groups as well.
  2. Hotel Bellevue Syrene is positioned right on the cliffside of Sorrento so you can see the coastline for miles. Itโ€™s extremely grand entrance under a Roman pillar grand structure makes you feel like a million dollars already.ย  The bar situated right on the cliff with amazing umbrellas, cute little water pool and a sunset view to die for.
  3. D-Anton design & bistrot was a beautiful cocktail spot to people watch and see a different side of sunset from the piaza. This is more of a quaint stop full of beautiful Italian decor inside the cafe and live music. A great casual drink to enjoy Sorrento and all it has to offer.
  4. La Pergola Bar was so convienient for us. It is open from May to October at the entrance of the Excelsior Vittoria Hotel. It was a 5-minute walk from where the bus dropped us off on the way into Sorrento. One of the nights, we almost missed the sunset location and just made it by dropping into this beautiful garden bar with an incredible ocean view. I wouldย highly recommend the lemon spritz!

Where do we eat dinner?

  1. Diana Sofia Restaurant with its authentic Italian decor and amazing food. Pizza and pasta was incredible – Couldnt fault either.ย  We needed to book this restaurant; it was packed from 5pm – 11pm with a queue out the door.
  2. Taverna Dell’800 was a restaurant we went to multiple times where Nonna was sure to have created all of the recipes. Best lasagne lasgna and mozerella veggie stack. In the heart of Sorrento.
  3. Ristorante Zi Ntonio was a huge double-sotrey resturant with amazing artwork on the walls and of course, incredible food. Great for a toddler as it had space to move.
  4. Ristorante Pizzeria L’Abate offers an incredible variety of food options, as well as cocktails and wine. It was always packed all night long.
  5. Ristorante ‘o parrucchiano la favorita.ย  This is a famous ‘lemon tree’ restaurant, a massive double-level restaurant with indoors and outdoor areas filled with vines and lemon trees. It is a must-see restaurant and iconic to Sorrento.
  6. We can’t talk about Italy without mentioning gelato. No evening should be complete until you’ve had your favourite gelato flavour, watched some beautiful music, or danced.ย  Our favourite spot to grab gelato was at Raki for delicious dark chocolate gelato or plenty of other flavours.

My top tips for witching hour (6pm) survival!

  • To see the sunset take my rooftop bar list (just below)! Usually, you get free chips or olives with your cocktails, so we used that as a toddler snack as we had a cocktail – a fantastic distraction while we relaxed.
  • Most toddlers love joining in the adult fun, so allow them to join in – like ordering something similar to your drink!ย  For example, get some table water with the same straw as your cocktail so they feel like they are enjoying something special.ย  Teaching them how to โ€˜Cheersโ€™ and get involved in the moment will help them enjoy it too.
  • If possible, book the restaurants you want to go to, at a reasonable hour for your toddler.ย  This will ensure you aren’t wandering around Sorrento looking for something, queuing for the best restaurants and not getting into the one you had hoped for. We did wing it some nights, so this comment is just in Hinde-sight from my failures at not booking ahead.
  • You can take some colouring books or small toys to keep them occupied for a short time at the restaurant (if that works for you).ย  Download their favourite show for those moments where they really haven’t got any patience to wait.
  • Order their meal straight away once you arrive, therefore they arenโ€™t waiting for food for an extra 15mins.
  • If you want to do this kind of holiday, you will have to let that nighttime schedule slide for a few nights.ย  You’re going to have to be flexible and go with the flow and possibly deal with a bit of over-tired behaviour, but honestly, it’s only for a few nights, and it’s worth it for the memories.ย  But kids bounce back so quickly they just take an earlier nap the next day or catch up in their own way.ย ย Itโ€™s perfectly okay to let your schedule slide for a night or two – it wonโ€™t break them or you (in most cases) ;).
  • Hot Tip: Iโ€™m convinced the babies know they are missing out on the action too, so they stay awake as long as possible to eat the greatest pasta and take in the gelato after dark ;).ย  Maybe we struck gold with our 18-month-old just realising how good she had it, waiting for the gelato to be served ;), but honestly, every time we went out, she seemed to last pretty well till 10 pm.
  • Having said all this, donโ€™t be upset if your toddler wonโ€™t last many nights out like this – at least you know!ย  I advise looking for accommodation that offersย you a good sunset view and a balcony.ย  That way, even if your toddler is tucked away in bed, you have the balcony, the room service, and the view.ย  You donโ€™t have to have all the fancy music for it to be beautiful.

To end your beautiful nights on the coast, I would highly recommend hitting the middle of the plaza strip, where there are usually musicians busking and gelato bars open. There, you can grab your gelato and dance with your toddler. There’s nothing better than a balmy, hot breeze on your skin, the icy cold gelato on your lips, and your toddler on an absolute dancing high. We all went home happy with dark chocolateย stains around our cheeks.ย 

Need a travel itinerary for Sorrento with your family?

  1. First night: Hit up Bellavista Cocktail Bar for a rooftop experience overlooking all of Sorrento. The sunset is stunning from up on this spacious rooftop with pool and live music.ย  Book Diana Sofia for dinner, and you won’t regret it. Indoor seating and delicious food in the middle of all the action.
  2. Second Night: Head to Hotel Bellevue Syrene right on the cliffs edge looking over the ocean.ย  Luxury hotel experience for a cocktail price, and stunning views.ย  Walk to Ristorante Zi Ntonio for all the yummy pizza and pasta a mum and toddler could ask for.
  3. Third Night: D-Anton Design & bistrot to have an Aperol spritz surrounded by unique artwork. Book the Taverna Dell’800 for Nonna’s favourite recipes and that home Italian feel.
  4. Fourth Night:ย  For another luxury experience head to La Pergola Bar with its grand entrance and ocean views to enjoy sunset in all its glory. Order the delicious watermelon or lemon spritz cocktail.ย  Then head to Ristorante ‘o parrucchiano la favorita for all your favourite Italian seafood dreams. Make sure to book!

I hope you enjoy this itinerary as much as I enjoyed making it! ‘Sulute’ to all your Italian planning.

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